Sunday, February 3, 2008

Slavery in America, 1492-1859

Slavery in America, 1492-1859

With the beginning of this unit, we will "shift gears" in that we explore history from a different perspective. This perspective involves looking at history from two new angles.

First, we will be looking at America through a topical, or topic-based lens, rather than sticking to the chronological, or time-based approach we have used through the school year. Next, as we will discuss in class, we will approach history from "the bottom-up." This approach will force us to look at the people we study from the point of view of those who are not economically, politically, or socially powerful.

Extra Credit Assignment

  1. Visit the Melrose Interactive Slavery Environment by clicking on the link (note that Flash Player is required to view this activity);
  2. After completing the virtual "tour" of the plantation, answer the following questions in a one to two-page essay:
  • What five rooms or artifacts interested you the most? Why?
  • How would you imagine the slave quarters to have
    looked/felt/smelled/sounded like?
  • Did this site give an accurate and fair representation of slave life? Explain.
